Deconvolving Synthetic Data
Given here is an example of a workflow for using our deconvolution algorithm with synthetic data. The same workflow can be run at once by changing the relevant parameters in the script
and running it as
Creation of Noisy Synthetic Data
First step is to create the synthetic data using the parameters detailed in parameters. For example:
from synthetic_data.synthetic_data import SyntheticData
sd_params = dict(size=200, frames=50, spotsize=3, numpoints=50, motion=3, brightness=0.1)
SD = SyntheticData(**sd_params)
testdata = SD.create_testdata()
To convolve with a PSF, continue as follows:
from psf.psf import PSF
import numpy as np
from util.timedependence import convolve_fft
psf_params = dict(type='widefield', lambdaEx=561, lambdaEm=609, numAper=1.4,
magObj=100, rindexObj=1.518, ccdSize=6540, dz=0, xysize=200, nslices=1,
depth=0, rindexSp=1.518, nor=0)
pf = PSF((200, 200), **psf_params)
psf_big = np.zeros(testdata.shape)
psf_big[testdata.shape[0] // 2, :, :] =
testdata_psf = convolve_fft(testdata, psf_big)
Finally, noise can be added to the synthetic data.
noisy_p = SD.add_poisson_noise(testdata_psf, p)
noisy_g = SD.add_gaussian_noise(noisy_p, g)
where p and g control the level of Poisson and Gaussian noise, respectively.
For the deconvolution, the deconvolution parameters lambda, lambda_t, epsilon and maxit are needed. See usage. Of course it is necessary to use the same PSF (or generate one with the same parameters), as was used to degenerate the data earlier.
from util.deconvolution import Deconvolution
Dec = Deconvolution(, noisy_g, l=0.1, lt=0.1, eps=0.001, maxit=1)
result = Dec.deconvolve()